Christmas comes every year. Every year you cook the same things. Every year, you're bored. Or maybe you want to take your holiday feasting to a new level. If so, here's how to turn your holiday meal into a full on Hobbit adventure celebration! In case you didn't know, Hobbits eat 7 times a day: breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and supper! That's a LOT of eating! I know, because I tried to do it over the weekend and I'm still stuffed! The key is timing the meals throughout the day, and small-ish portions. Here's my guide, and photos of what I came up with. Make your own meals and vary as you see fit, but it's a really fun (and yes, slightly nerdy) way to spend your holiday, or get rid of left overs the following weekend!

Rule 1: Space out your meals with at least 1.5 to 2 hours in between. The only meal that has a set time is Elevenses (during the 11am hour). I would start at 7 am, then go from there.

Rule 2: Small Portions. You'll be eating a lot and often so don't over do it by making huge portions. Trust me on this one!

Rule 3: Watch the movies too! This is fun with Lord of the Rings, or the Hobbit films in the background, and they're great for chilling at home with your family! Enjoy!

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