Yesterday, one of our sales reps had their car brake down so we went on a Walmart mission to buy oil and coolant. The problem here, it was TWO females who went shopping for car oil and coolant(it took us a while and a few phone calls to pick something out). Talk about clueless and quite the adventure. Our experience went something like…..

We started out here:

Then, just our luck, when we're all done shopping and ready to head out, Eva's car wouldn't turn on. Mind you, it was STUPID hot yesterday! We stayed cool with Icee's and Hot Cheetos.


Thank goodness for Aj who came to our rescue.


The fun didn't stop there. As soon as Aj showed up, Eva's car decided to turn on. So we hopped in and drove for about 4 miles before it began over heating, we had to abandon her car somewhere and hopped in the hot 975 caddy. I can't complain, the AC in the caddy works. Sorry Eva ;)
















Talk about a long Tuesday lol

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